Meteoric Greatsword BONKS the Elden Ring DLC

In the vast, unforgiving expanse of the Elden Ring, certain weapons carve out a legend for themselves, and none more so than the colossal Ancient Meteoric Greatsword. Today, we're diving deep into how to harness the raw power of this formidable weapon, particularly focusing on its use in the DLC. Whether you're aiming to maximize poise or unleash devastating damage, we've got you covered with two tailor-made builds.

The Greatsword Overview

The Ancient Meteoric Greatsword isn't just your average colossal sword. It packs a hefty punch with high physical and a touch of magic damage. With a deceptive B scaling in Strength and a D in Arcane—which is surprisingly potent—this weapon's damage output (AR) is monumental, making it a prime choice for those looking to exploit its unique skill, White Light Charge. This skill allows you to charge forward, culminating in a spectacular light explosion, adding not only to your offensive arsenal but also serving as an excellent mobility tool across the Elden Ring's treacherous terrain.

Build One: The Poise Powerhouse

For those who prefer a steady hand in battle, this build emphasizes resilience and damage negation, allowing you to perform the White Light Charge without interruptions. Here’s how to set it up:

Weapon: Ancient Meteoric Greatsword, maxed to +10 for optimal AR.

SecondaryFinger Seal for casting buffs (easy to obtain with minimal requirements).

Armor: Opt for the Trecental Armor Set for high poise and solid resistance or the V Set as an easier-to-obtain alternative.


Shard of Alexander: Boosts skill damage by 15%.

Spear Talisman: Increases counterattack damage by another 15%.

Bulgo’s Talisman: Elevates poise above 101, crucial for uninterrupted skill execution.

Choose protection talismans based on specific boss encounters for tailored damage negation.

Build Two: High-risk, High-reward

For those who thrive on adrenaline, this build pushes the damage capabilities of the Ancient Meteoric Greatsword to its limits, aiming to obliterate bosses with just a few hits:

ArmorRasa Armor Set for an 8% damage boost.


Red Feathered Branch Sword: Ups attack power by 20% when HP is low—a frequent scenario in high-stakes battles.

Rotten Wind Sword Insignia: Increases attack power with successive hits, stacking up to 13%.

Wondrous Physic:

Bloodsucking Crack Tear: Enhances damage by 20% for three minutes.

Thorny Crack Tear: Further boosts damage with successive hits, up to 20%.

Buffs and Strategy

Both builds benefit immensely from strategic use of buffs:

Golden Vow: Increases damage by 15% and damage negation by 10%.

Flame, Grant Me Strength: Boosts physical damage by an effective 18%.

Leveling Tips

For optimal performance, distribute your character’s levels as follows, adjusting based on your play style and the game’s demands:

Vigor: At least 50 for survivability.

Mind: 24 to sustain multiple uses of your skills and buffs.

Strength and Arcane: Invest heavily to maximize the Greatsword’s AR, with a focus on Arcane to exploit its hidden scaling.

Whether you choose the indomitable fortress of poise or the explosive powerhouse of high damage, the Ancient Meteoric Greatsword has a build that can suit your style. Tap into these builds to dominate the DLC and stand victorious against the mightiest foes of Elden Ring.

For those looking to gear up for success, you can easily get Elden Ring items from, ensuring you're well-equipped to take on whatever the game throws at you. Whether it's tweaking your build or gearing up for a new challenge, make sure you're prepared to wield the power of the Ancient Meteoric Greatsword effectively before it potentially gets nerfed. Happy gaming!

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